

The Oryx Linux project is primarily motivated by a desire to incorporate a lightweight Linux container implementation into the OpenEmbedded build system whilst maintaining the benefits of both systems. The key word here is ‘lightweight’: we’re avoiding fully-integrated systems such as Docker which are targeted at cloud computing deployments rather than embedded deployments. Instead we’re using runc, the lightweight container runtime which sits at the heart of Docker, without any of the surrounding tools such as containerd and docker itself. This gives us the flexibility to address the needs of the embedded use-case.

One of the main aims of this project is to provide a developer workflow which is familiar to existing OpenEmbedded users. You should not be required to learn a new build system or method of creating images (such as Docker and its corresponding Dockerfile syntax) in order to incorporate the benefits of containers into an embedded Linux product. Keeping the focus on the OpenEmbedded workflow ensures that we retain all the benefits of this system, such as the excellent license compliance tooling, the extensible SDK and a proper cross-compilation environment. Other methods of creating container-based Linux systems are typically targeted at cloud computing deployments and don’t address these issues that crop up when shipping an embedded Linux product.

The benefits of Linux containers have been discussed at length elsewhere so we won’t cover the general benefits here. However, it’s worth mentioning the additional benefits that we get in the embedded world:

  • The ability to isolate applications requiring access to specialized hardware from those which just use ‘normal’ Linux interfaces such as the network and filesystems.
  • The ability to mix legacy software which is dependent on specific older versions of system libraries with an up-to-date and secure base system. This is especially relevant in the embedded space where legacy applications abound.
  • The ability to update and restart a full application stack cleanly and quickly by restarting a container guest instead of rebooting the whole device. For devices with long startup times there can be significant benefit here.


Please report any bugs, feature requests or other feedback via the Oryx issue tracker.

Discussion about Oryx usage and development also occurs on the Oryx mailing list.


The following notation is used for arguments:

  • ARGUMENT: A required argument.
  • [ARGUMENT]: An optional argument.
  • ARGUMENTS...: One or more required arguments which are not parsed further, typically used when these are passed through to another application.


Application Profile
An application profile defines the software to be installed into an Oryx image along with any required configuration. For more details see Application Profiles.
System Profile
A system profile defines the way that an Oryx image is deployed on a target, which artifacts are needed for deployment and how the image is started on the target device. For more details see System Profiles.
System Profile Type
System profiles are grouped into two types: native and guest. This determines the type of Oryx image that will be built as defined below.
Image Type
Oryx images are grouped into two types, matching the corresponding system profile types. These are defined below.
Guest Image
A guest image is essentially the template for an Oryx guest. It defines the initial state of the rootfs within the guest, the Linux capabilities to be assigned and the commands to run when the guest is started.
Native Image
A native image is installed directly onto a target device and so includes components like the kernel and bootloader which are not needed in a guest image.
In the context of oryxcmd, a source is the location from which guest images can be obtained. This can be a directory on the local filesystem, a website accessible over HTTP/HTTPS, or any other supported type of location.
An Oryx guest is an application or service running within a Linux container on an Oryx host system. The container isolation separates guests from each other, from the host system and from hardware resources that they haven’t been given explicit permission to access.
An Oryx host system is typically built as a native image using the host application profile. This system includes the oryxcmd application and the runc lightweight container engine, allowing guests to be deployed and managed within the system.